Sunday, March 4, 2012

Hey guys! so i know u all know of nm bat wings right? well they r AWESOME! trade me some if u r awesome plz(:

Hey guys so everyone is making a big thing over worns? If you think they should put them in stores as red like this(((::: anyways so ya worns are great but not rare for long!

Hey guys sorry i have not been trying to work on this, ive been busy!
Anyways, what ive been doing all day..all the time is trying to get nonmember bat wings! They are so cool! I have all gloves,lockets,fox hats, and holiday rares, and finally den rares! So hit me up if you want these and have nm bat wings? (:

Friday, February 24, 2012

Hey Guys Like If you Love Animal Jam And Are A Fan:D
So Animal Jam is great because there is awesome friends on there! Go  Look Up! Thats hotzebra<- my BFF! So go follow her!!! Thanks guys!
Hey guys its hotseal from Animal Jam! Yes you say add me! Well very soon ill be posting codes/cheats/ and more! Even on Animal Jam i will have free give away's!